Jun 18, 2020

Huawei has become the world's number one smartphone company for the first time

Huawei has long been ranked second or third on the list of smartphone makers, but for the first time in at least a month, it has overtaken Samsung to become the number one smartphone maker.

Yes, US sanctions have affected the sales of Huawei's phones in some regions, but surprisingly, the Chinese company surpassed Samsung for the first time in April 2020 to become the world's leading mobile phone company. It can only be described as amazing.

According to a report released by Counterpoint Research, Huawei was the world's number one company with a market share of 19% in April, compared to Samsung's market share of 17%.

Huawei's historic breakthrough was made possible by China, where local company devices have been preferred since US sanctions.

In China, the company has significantly increased its market share over the past few months, while in April, the Coronavirus outbreak in various countries led to main lockdowns and economic downturns in various parts of India, the US, Latin America, and Europe. Sales of Samsung phones were badly affected.

As a result of severe lockdowns, smartphone demand in many countries has reached almost zero, while China has been working on economic recovery since March 2020 after controlling the Coronavirus epidemic, making it the most important for Huawei. The market is open.

Lack of Google services has led to a decline in sales of Huawei's new phones outside of China.
It is difficult to say how long Huawei's success will last, as global pandemic restrictions are easing and Samsung's sales are expected to rise again.

Remember that 2019 was a good year for Huawei and it maintained its second position globally despite US sanctions.

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